The Missing Ethics In The Beauty Industry

The Missing Ethics In The Beauty Industry

We can’t talk about beauty ignoring also the ugly side of this industry, still is in many countries a very delicate topic as the legislation is not always able to protect the consumers as procedures and professionals are constantly changing and some services only present their  side effects years after.

Regardless what kind of procedure an individual seeks, the most important thing to know is WHY? What reason takes a person to undergo procedures that will sometimes change themselves completely and forever?

Psychological studies have identified an increased demand on beauty enhancements after social media took over our communications channels. We already know that it can be one way of expressing our inner self and feeling empowered is great, no doubt! but the overexposure forces people to compare themselves to virtual and real references, it’s not new to aspire to be someone else but lately it has taken an extreme course, compensation in most cases, that’s how we professionals see it, i can’t change my life facing my problems but i can get a new body to live in, and ageing represents the main concern, if in one hand this industry helps treating pathological conditions in the other it serves physical and mental changes through the features, the high expectations leads to addiction as body and skin modification requires several treatments but how much happiness can be obtained ?It will depend on those that aim for an enhancement, unfortunately those lacking self acceptance will never be satisfied.

When that happens, a dark zone is entered where the only goal in life will be constant adjustments and replacements, it  is also difficult for the professionals dealing with this demand because they are always under pressure the only solution of minimizing these impacts is educating patients and professionals, is not new that mental health is still a tabu but the truth is that it is completely related to how we perceive ourselves in our society.

Skin and body enhancement are great alternatives to fit-in but the line is very thin and asking ourselves as humans what we really need is the best way of getting things done without losing ourselves and yes learning and educating about mental health issues is the safest way.

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